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Department of Communication
University of Washington
Box 353740
Seattle, WA 98195-3740

Ph.D.    Indiana University, Communication.  
Dissertation: The Public Speaking Public: An Analysis of a Rhetoric of Public Speaking Pedagogy

M.A.     Indiana University, Communication.
Thesis: Visions of Democracy: Visual Metaphors in American and Soviet/Russian Editorial Cartoons
B.A.     Trinity University, Communication and Russian Studies. 

Appointments and directorships
Professor of Teaching, University of Washington, 2019-present.

Founder and Director, Center for Speech & Debate.  University of Washington. 2005-present. 

Principal Lecturer, University of Washington. 2015-2019. 

Senior Lecturer, University of Washington. 2010-2015.     

Lecturer, University of Washington. 2004-2010.     

Interim Director of Debate, University of Washington. 2012-2013.

Co-Director of Forensics, Indiana University. 1999-2001; 2003-2004.

Teaching activity
Undergraduate courses taught: Public speaking, Advanced public speaking, Public debate, Essentials of argument, Argument and/as combat sports, Classical rhetoric, Rhetorical criticism, Introduction to communication, Humor and American political rhetoric, Preparing for graduate education

Undergraduate student evaluations, 10-year average: 4.8/5

Graduate and professional courses taught: Communication pedagogy, Rhetorical criticism, Classical rhetoric, Strategic communication

Graduate and professional student evaluations, 10-year average: 4.6/5

Online learning 

Public Speaking Specialization. 2016-present. I designed, recorded, and produced a four-course online public speaking curriculum (  The courses have been translated into Arabic, Portuguese, Spanish, and Vietnamese.  Since 2016, the courses individually and the specialization have enrolled over 307,000 students (as of April, 2021). 

My online courses were used for in-person learning circles by P2PU ( 2015-present. P2PU is a non-profit organization offering online classes with face-to-face meetings through public library systems. Thus far, P2PU has offered my public speaking classes in Boston, Chicago, Detroit, Seattle, Ottawa, Wichita, and four cities in Kenya: Nakuru, Narok, Murang'a, and Meru. 

U101. 2015-present. I led a team that flipped UW student orientation. Working with partners from the Provost’s office and First Year Programs, I designed and built U101, an all online first year student orientation. I used the U101 video material to build a non-UW specific “understanding college” MOOC for Coursera (

Public Speaking MOOC. 2013-2016. I designed, recorded, and produced a free online public speaking course. The MOOC ran on EdX and Coursera. In its various incarnations, over one million individuals interacted with the materials. The course was retired once I started the new specialization.  

Public Speaking Online. 2015-present. I designed and produced a for-credit version of “COM 220: Introduction to Public Speaking” for UW’s online degree program (ISS). 
Awards and grants
Emmy consideration for the video I wrote and performed, “How to watch a televised debate.” This was a short educational video for use 6-12 classrooms that also ran on TVW. It was under 2021 Emmy consideration by the NATAS-NW (National Academy of Television Arts & Sciences, Northwest Chapter). 

Distinguished Teaching Award. University of Washington. 2014.

Communications & Leadership Award. District 2 (Washington State) Toastmasters. 2014.

MOOC development grant. Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. $50,000 (with Professional and Continuing Education, UW). 2013. 

Public debate grant. Open Society Youth Initiative. $5,500 (with Anjali Vats). 2012.

Nominated for the University of Washington’s Distinguished Teaching Award. 2010, 2012.

Grant for studying departmental learning objectives. UW College of Arts & Sciences (with Lisa Coutu and Nancy Rivenburgh). 2006-2008.

Panhellenic Association Award for Excellence and Commitment to Teaching. University of Washington. 2007. 

Robert Henry Outstanding Professor Award. National Speakers Association. 2006.  

Certificate of pedagogy. Department of Communication and Culture. Indiana University. 2004. 

Communication pedagogy research ($1,100). Preparing Future Faculty. National Communication Association. 2002.

Teaching Excellence Recognition Award. The College of Arts and Sciences. Indiana University. 1999.

Excellence in Teaching Award. Department of Communication and Culture. Indiana University. 1999.

Invited talks and workshops 

Presentation workshop. Seattle Rare Disease Fair. 2022.

Presentation workshop. College Success Foundation. 2022.

Composing and delivering compelling presentations and grant proposals. Workshop for National Institutes of Health/National Institute of Drug Abuse. 2021

Captivating oral communication in a distracted world. Presentation for a credit-bearing Continuing Legal Education course for the Washington State Bar Association. 2021.

Plenary panelist. TA Program on Teaching and Learning. 2020.

Keynote speech. 2019 University of Washington Freshman Convocation. University of Washington. 2019.

Presenting your research. Presentation for the School of Nursing’s graduate student orientation, UW School of Medicine. Seattle, WA. 2018. 2020. 2021.

Running an effective class. Presentation and workshop for Engineering Peer Educators, College of Engineering. University of Washington. 2018.

Career Trajectories for promoted-eligible and promoted lecturers. Co-moderator panel for the Faculty Fellows Program, Center for Teaching and Learning. University of Washington. 2018.

Communicating science. Presentation and workshop for the Global Initiative for Neuropsychiatric Genetics Education in Research program run by the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health and the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard. Hampshire, UK. 2018.

Principal lecturer information session. Panel participant. UW-Tacoma Appointment, Promotions, and Tenure Committee. Tacoma, WA. 2018.

Writing commencement speeches. Presentation for the Editor’s Network, UW School of Public Health and School of Medicine. Seattle, WA. 2018.

Communicating your mission.

Presentation and workshop for Henrybuilt (Furniture design and production company). Seattle, WA. 2018. 

Presenting your research. Presentation and workshop for the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, UW School of Medicine. Seattle, WA. 2017.

Public speaking in non-profits. Skype presentation and workshop for UNICEF, Eastern and Southern African regional office (ESARO). Nairobi, KE. 2017. I ran a short workshop for 80 UNICEF administrators representing the 21 countries in the ERSARO UNICEF region. 

Communicating your mission. Presentation and workshop for Washington STEM (educational advocacy non-profit). Seattle, WA. 2017. 

Communicating your mission. Presentation and workshop for New Beginnings (domestic violence non-profit). Seattle, WA. 2016. 

Running teaching workshops. Presentation and workshop for the 2015 North America Microsoft Certified Trainer Summit. Bellevue, WA. 2015.

Communicating science. Presentation and workshop for the medical research program (Bispebjerg Hospital) at the University of Copenhagen. Copenhagen, DN. 2015.

Communicating climate science. Three day intensive workshop for the Norwegian Research School in Climate Dynamics at the University of Bergen. Bergen, NO. 2015. 2014

The study of public speaking. A recorded presentation for “Salut, Balti!,” a Moldovan NGO (originally a Peace Corp. group). Bălți, MD. I spoke to some Balti high school students studying speech and leadership. 

Communicating policy. Presentation and workshop for the Applied International Studies M.A. Jackson School. University of Washington. 2015.

Academic listening and speaking. Presentation and workshop for the Intensive English Language Program. University of Washington. 2015.

Presenting research. Presentation and workshop for History 572 (dissertation course). University of Washington. 2015.

Using video for student assessment and feedback. Presentation and workshop for the Center for Teaching and Learning. University of Washington. 2015.

Communicating policy. Presentation and workshop for Washington School Public Relations Association. 2015.

Using video for student assessment and feedback. Presentation and workshop for Center for Teaching and Learning. University of Washington. 2015.

Communicating design and policy. Three-day workshop for the Washington State Association of County Engineers. 2015.

JewDub talk series. Stroum Center for Jewish Studies. University of Washington. 2014. I coached all of the speakers in the series. 

Communicating science. Three-day presentation and workshop for Asociación de Estudiantes Graduados de Ingeniería Química. University of Puerto Rico-Mayaguez. 2014. 

Communicating science. Presentation and workshop for ADVANCE Center for Institutional Change. University of Washington. 2014. 

Engaging students in large classes. Presentation and workshop for Center for Teaching and Learning. University of Washington. 2014. 

Communicating policy. Presentation and workshop for the Hubert H. Humphrey International Fellowship Program. University of Washington. 2006; 2009, 2014. 

Basics of public speaking. Presentation and workshop for Dream Project. University of Washington. 2013. 

Basics of public speaking. Presentation and workshop for Masters of Communication in Digital Media Program. University of Washington. 2013. 

Presenting your research. Presentation and workshop for Sammamish High School AP Program. Sammamish, WA. 2013.

Case construction and advocacy. Presentation and workshop for Trial Advocacy Program. University of Washington Law School. 2013.

Engaging public audiences. Presentation and workshop for All Staff Training Day. Seattle Public Libraries. Seattle, WA. 2013.

Presenting your research. Presentation and workshop for Amgen Scholars Program. University of Washington. 2007-2013. 

Basics of public speaking. Presentation and workshop for UW STEM Bridge Program for incoming engineering & science students. University of Washington. 2012.

Basics of public speaking. Presentation and workshop for ASUW leadership program. University of Washington. 2012.

Communicating science. Presentation and workshop for School of Medicine Biomedical and Health Informatics Graduate Seminar. UW School of Medicine. 2011.

Keynote address. 7th Annual Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Symposium. University of Washington. 2011.

Public speaking pedagogy. Skype presentation for the Department of Communication. University of Pittsburgh. 2011.

Rhetorical methodologies. COM 501: Methods of Inquiry. University of Washington. 2009; 2011.

Basics of public speaking. Presentation and workshop for Henry Art Gallery. University of Washington. 2010; 2011.

Communicating your research. Presentation and workshop for Economics Graduate Association. University of Washington. 2011.

Basics of public speaking. Presentation and workshop for Speech and Hearing Sciences 100. University of Washington. 2010.

Moderator. Distinguished Teaching Showcase. UW Alumni Association and the UW Teaching Academy. University of Washington. 2010.

Clear lectures. Presentation and workshop for TA Conference on Teaching and Learning. University of Washington. 2005-2011.

Communicating policy. Presentation and workshop for National Education for Women's Leadership Conference. Seattle, WA. 2006; 2007; 2009; 2011. 

Teaching with rubrics. Presentation and workshop for Teaching Academy. University of Washington. 2009-2011.

Communicating your research. Presentation and workshop for Master of Science in Information Management Program. University of Washington. 2007; 2009; 2010.

Teaching large lectures. Presentation and workshop for Collegium on Large Class Instruction. University of Washington. 2009.

What is rhetoric? COM 202: Introduction to Communication. University of Washington. 2009.

Humor in the courtroom. The William L. Dwyer Inn of Court. Seattle, WA. 2009. 

Ethics in teaching. COM 594: Professional Proseminar. University of Washington. 2005; 2007; 2008.

Communicating policy. Presentation and workshop for The Public Leadership and Civic Engagement Academy. University of Washington and Heritage University. Yakima, WA. 2006; 2008. 

Presidential debate. Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at the UW. Redmond, WA. 2008. 

Presidential debate. Sunset Club. Seattle, WA. 2008.

Communicating climate science. Presentation and workshop for Program on Climate Change. University of Washington. 2008. 

Communicating design. Presentation and workshop for Olson Sundberg Kundig Allen Architects. Seattle, WA. 2008.

Communicating your research. Presentation and workshop for The Undergraduate Research Program. University of Washington. 2007. 

Communicating your research. Presentation and workshop for The Office of Postdoctoral Affairs. University of Washington. 2007. 

The Communication discipline. University Honors Program. University of Washington. 2007.

Crafting a strong argument. COM 496: Honors Seminar. University of Washington. 2007. 

Rhetoric and the internet. COM 586: Writing and Presentation for Digital Media. University of Washington. 2005-2007. 

Engaging public audiences. Presentation and workshop for Museology Graduate Program. University of Washington. 2007. 

Basics of public speaking. Presentation and workshop for COM 441: United States Media History. University of Washington. 2007. 

Basics of public speaking. Presentation and workshop for COM 440: Mass Media Law. University of Washington. 2006.

Succeeding as a student in large lecture classes. Freshman Welcome (new student orientation session). University of Washington. 2006. 

Communicating design. Presentation and workshop for American Society of Landscape Architects of Washington, Student Chapter. University of Washington. 2005-2006.

Basics of public speaking. Presentation and workshop for University Health Education Leadership Program. University of Washington. 2004-2005.

Civic pedagogy. COM 596: Communication Pedagogy. University of Washington. 2004-2005. 

Classical rhetorical pedagogy. COM 532: Classical Rhetoric. University of Washington. 2005.


McGarrity, Matt. (2021). A case for teaching public speaking without live audiences. In J. M. Valenzano III (Ed.), Post-pandemic pedagogy: Predicting the change to come (pp. 203-218). Lexington Press.

McGarrity, M. (2018, February 11). Where Trump’s first State of the Union speech ranks historically, and why, according to a speech professor. Quartz. Retrieved from 

McGarrity, M. (2018, January 12). A speech coach explains exactly why Oprah sounded so presidential. Quartz. Retrieved from

McGarrity, M. (2013, December 12). Speaking up for the credit-less MOOC. The Chronicle of Higher Education. Retrieved from

McGarrity, M. & Crosby, B. (2012). Public speaking textbooks and rhetorical invention. Rhetoric Society Quarterly, 42.2, 164-186.

McGarrity, M. (2010). Communication textbooks: From the publisher to the desk. In D.L. Fassett & J. T. Warren (Eds.), The SAGE handbook of communication and instruction (pp. 107-128). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.  

McGarrity, M. (2009). Student workbook for public speaking: The evolving art. Boston, MA: Wadsworth Cengage Learning. 

McGarrity, M. (2008). Public speaking: Rhetorical invention and public argument. New York, NY: Pearson Custom Publishing. 

Conference presentations
McGarrity, M. (2018). Market Your Content: How to Reach More Learners. Panel presentation at the 2018 Coursera Partner’s Conference. Tempe, AZ.  

McGarrity, M. (2017). Connecting Content Strategy with Learners' Career Goals. Panel presentation at the 2017 Coursera Partner’s Conference. Boulder, CO.  

McGarrity, M. (2016). Skills education in online and blended environments. Skype presentation at the “Blended learning: Design, implementation, and management” conference held by the National Research University Higher School of Economics. Moscow, RU. 2016

McGarrity, M. (2016). Active learning. Presentation at the 2016 Coursera Partner’s Conference. The Hague, NL. 

McGarrity, M. (2016). I launched my course. Now what? Presentation at the 2016 Coursera Partner’s Conference. The Hague, NL.

Panelist. (2014). Presence of Our Future(s): Exploring Communication Pedagogy in Massively Open Online Courses (MOOCs). 100th annual meeting of the National Communication Association. Chicago, IL.

McGarrity, M. (2014). Noncredit MOOCs and Skills Training: An Examination of Coursera’s Public Speaking MOOC. Paper presented at the Oxford Internet Institute’s ICA preconference, “Innovation in Higher Education: Building a better future?” Seattle, WA. 

McGarrity, M. (2012). Justifying public speaking models of imitation. Paper presented at the 98th annual meeting of the National Communication Association. Orlando, FL.

McGarrity, M. (2008). Public speaking preferences: A pilot study. Paper presented at the 94th annual meeting of the National Communication Association. San Diego, CA.

McGarrity, M. (2007). Social justice pedagogy. Paper presented at the 78th annual meeting of the Western States Communication Association. Seattle, WA. 

McGarrity, M. (2006). Communication apprehension research and public speaking lore. Paper presented at the 92nd annual meeting of the National Communication Association. San Antonio, TX. A Top Paper in the Basic Course Division.

McGarrity, M. (2006). The oralistic movement in public speaking pedagogy. Paper presented at the 77th annual meeting of the Western States Communication Association. Palm Springs, CA. 

Invited Workgroup Participant. Building infrastructure for more effective local democracy: The role of colleges and universities. By the People: A MacNeil/Lehrer Production’s. 2006.

McGarrity, M. (2005). Public speaking textbooks and rhetorical invention. Paper presented at the 91st annual meeting of the National Communication Association. Boston, MA. A Top Paper in the Basic Course Division.

McGarrity, M. (2005). A critical analysis of public speaking criticism. Paper presented at the 76th annual meeting of the Western States Communication Association. San Francisco, CA. A Top Paper in the Communication and Instruction Division.

McGarrity, M. (2004). A proposal for a protopublic public speaking classroom. Paper presented at the 75th annual meeting of the Western States Communication Association. Albuquerque, NM.

McGarrity, M. (2003). What is the nature of “the public” in public speaking?: A critical analysis of the art of public speaking. Paper presented at the 89th annual meeting of the National Communication Association. Miami Beach, FL.

McGarrity, M. (2003). Returning the “public” to public speaking: undergraduate public speaking classrooms as sites of civic engagement in public spheres. Paper presented at the 18th Penn State Conference on Rhetoric & Composition. State College, PA.

McGarrity, M. (2003). The civic potential of a rhetorical education: Choosing a political path at the crossroads. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Central States Communication Association Convention. Omaha, NE. A Top Paper in the Communication Education Division.

McGarrity, M. (2003). But people don’t really talk like this: Balancing advocacy and deliberation. Paper presented at the 74th annual meeting of the Western States Communication Association Convention. Salt lake City, UT. 

McGarrity, M. (2002). Agonistic citizenship: Agonistic pluralism and the Boulder high school kiss-in. Paper presented at the 10th Biennial Meeting of the Rhetoric Society of America. Las Vegas, NV.  

McGarrity, M. (2002). Organizing for justice: Union Summer’s ambiguous statement of core values. Paper presented at the 10th Biennial Meeting of the Rhetoric Society of America. Las Vegas, NV.

Interviews and media coverage
Khanna, R. (2022, April 21). How MOOCs are used in workplace training. Recently Heard.

Code Spaces. (2021, August 2). Top 10 Personal Development Courses, Classes, Training Programs Online in 2021. Code Spaces.

Nakanishi, D. (2021, June 4). How to improve your public speaking. Courier. 

Hansen, B. (2020, September 15). How to watch a televised debate. TVW, Washington State’s Public Affairs Network.
This was a short educational video for use 6-12 classrooms that also ran on TVW. It was under Emmy consideration by the NATAS-NW (National Academy of Television Arts & Sciences, Northwest Chapter). 

Long, K. (2020, April 13). With schools shuttered by coronavirus, here’s what WSU and other experts recommend for teaching online. The Seattle Times.

Lesaint, R. (2019, August 20). The 8 most popular MOOCs in the history of MOOCs. Les Échos Start.

Kim, L. (2019, July 8). 9 places to learn public speaking skills for free. Medium.

Petter, O. (2019, January 25). 10 online courses to better yourself in 2019. The Independent.

Stillman, J (2018, January 16). Speech Coach: This Is the Real Reason Oprah's Golden Globes Speech Was So Powerful. Inc.

Valdeon, J. (2018, January 14). Oprah: El espectáculo puede continuar en la Casa Blanca. La Razon.

Berg, S (2017, November 20). Online Course Review - LLG2. Hastac.

Q13 Fox News Staff. (2017, August 25). What’s the impact of a President using foul language? Q13 Fox News.

Dennin, J. (2017, May 18). 3 secrets to projecting confidence, according to science. Mic.

Kim, L. (2017, April 12). 11 places to learn public-speaking skills for free. Business Insider.

Rakoczy, C. (2017, February 21). 5 speaking habits that make you seem smarter: How to sound confident — even when you're not. Mic.

Marr, B (2016, December 31). The best free online business courses starting in January. Business insider.

Patel, B. (2016, October 20). Speech professor breaks down final presidential debate. Q13 Fox news this morning. Seattle, WA: KCPQ/Q13 FOX.

Patel, B. (2016, October 10). Speech professor breaks down second presidential debate of 2016. Q13 Fox news this morning. Seattle, WA: KCPQ/Q13 FOX.

De Gorgue, R. (2016, October 1). Getting more voices to be heard. University of Washington Continuum College.

Patel, B. (2016, September 27). UW professor helps break down highs, lows of first presidential debate. Q13 Fox news this morning. Seattle, WA: KCPQ/Q13 FOX.

Laliberte, M. (2016, August 15). 7 magic phrases to help you nail public speaking. Reader’s Digest.

Patel, B. (2016, July 29). Breaking down Hillary Clinton’s DNC speech. Q13 Fox news this morning. Seattle, WA: KCPQ/Q13 FOX.

Patel, B. (2016, July 22). Breaking down Donald Trump’s nomination speech. Q13 Fox news this morning. Seattle, WA: KCPQ/Q13 FOX.

Lesaint, R. (2016, May 30). Anglais, code et réseaux sociaux... Les Mooc à suivre en juin. Les Echos.

Patel, B. (2016, May 9). “Analyzing Donald Trump’s language” Q13 Fox news this morning. Seattle, WA: KCPQ/Q13 FOX.

Crawford, C. F. (2016, March 18). 5 steps to becoming a better public speaker. Mental Floss.

Long, K. (2015, November 24). Free course teaches the basics of how to get the most out of college. The Seattle Times.  Retrieved from 

Shin, M. (2015, October 13). 3 free ways to become a better public speaker. Business Insider.

Liu, J. (2015, June 10). Matt McGarrity: A speaker needs a broad education. (Chinese science news and online education website). Retrieved from 

Khayatte, R. (2014, October 10). Like a pro: 7 tips for powerful public speaking. Student Health 101.

Dipendra, K.C. (2014, August 6). Students from the global south embrace open online courses. The Seattle Globalist.

Bergamaschi, R. (2014, June 2). Os erros mais comuns ao falar em public. Retrieved from  

McCarthy, M. (2014, March 31). Death by PowerPoint? Take heart, scientists. Public-speaking expert offers four tips to researchers who must present findings to an audience. Health Sciences NewsBeat.

Wing, Jennifer (Producer). (2014, March 3). UW's MOOC on public speaking proving to be massively popular [Radio broadcast]. KPLU Tacoma.

Long, Katherine (2013, September 7). UW public-speaking course reaches thousands online. The Seattle Times.

Fredette, M. (2013, August 28). How to convert a classroom course into a MOOC.  Campus Technology.

Shapiro, N. (2013, August 29). UW’s big bet on cheap classes.  The Seattle Weekly.

Meek, T. (2013, August 2). Education Badges: You may be asked to show one to prove a skill. Puget Sound Business Journal.

Bird, J. (2013, July 16). MOOCs: Students tune in to lectures. The Financial Times of London.

Winner, A. (2013, July 7). University of Washington instructor dives into MOOC spotlight. E-Learning Industry.

Long, Katherine (2013, June 21- August 16). Ongoing Seattle Times Web Series, The massive classroom. 12 online articles about the public speaking MOOC on Coursera. The Seattle Times.

McGuire, R. (2013, July 1). Using MOOCs for employee development and organizational learning. MOOC News and Reviews.

Hyde, D. (Producer). (2013, June 14). UW lecturer offers tips on public speaking [Radio broadcast]. The Conversation. KUOW Seattle.

Long, Katherine (2013, June 8). UW joins key online platforms to offer free courses. The Seattle Times.

Heffter, E. (2012, October 12). Contrast in styles highlights differences. The Seattle Times.

Vaughn, A. (2012, October 3). Lehrer's lack of control of debate may have led to more depth, says UW lecturer. The Seattle Times.

Service and related activity 
Graduate committees

Miles Coleman (Ph.D. 2015); Nancy Bixler (Ph.D. 2010); Ben Crosby (Ph.D. 2009); Sarah McCaffrey (M.A. 2009)

Departmental service
Diversity, equity, and inclusion committee. 2020-present. 

Rhetoric assistant professor search committee. 2019-2020.

Executive committee. 2019-2021.

Visiting scholar committee. 2016-2019. 

Debate committee. 2014-2018.

Undergraduate program coordinator. 2010-2015.    

Journalism faculty committee. 2010-2013.

Search committee chair. Speech communication and debate (debate coach). 2012.

Search committee. Communication ethics and journalism.  2012.

Search committee. Advising office program coordinator. 2012.

Search committee. Advising office academic counselor. 2011.

Ad hoc committee on room renovations. 2011-2013.

Ad hoc committee studying COM 100/201/202. 2012.

Ad hoc committee investigating the possibility of UW Debate. 2011.

Ad hoc committee studying communication internships. 2011.

Alumni development and outreach committee. 2007-2009.

Graduate committee. 2006-2008. 

Ad hoc learning objectives committee. 2006-2008. 

Faculty development committee. 2004-2005. 

Ad hoc faculty search committee (Rhetoric target of opportunity hire). 2005. 

Guest speaker. Alumni Association call bank (in support of Departmental fundraising). 2008-2013. 

Organizer. Jody Deering Nyquist public speaking contest. 2005-present. 

Organizer. Jody Deering Nyquist Awards for Undergraduate Excellence. 2008; 2010-2015. 

Facilitator. Communication TA/RA Orientation. 2005-2011. 

University service
Committee member. Leadership minor subcommittee. 2021-present.

Plenary panelist. TA Program on Teaching and Learning. 2020. 

Committee member. UAA Curriculum Committee. 2019-present.

Committee member. Converting the Husky Leadership Initiative to an interdisciplinary minor. 2018-2020.

Committee member. Direct Freshman Admissions Social Sciences. 2018.

Co-chair. College of Arts and Sciences curriculum committee. 2014-2017.

Committee member. Rebecca Aanerud principal lecturer promotion. 2016

Senior fellow. Faculty Fellows Program. UW Center for Teaching and Learning. 2015, 2016. 

Presentation for the Association of Pacific Rim Universities (APRU). 2016. At the request of the UW Provost’s office, I led an interactive session on active learning for various provosts and administrators visiting for the UW-hosted APRU conference. 

Committee member. Integrated Social Sciences steering committee. 2013-present. 

Committee member. Integrated Social Sciences lecturer search. 2015. 

Presenter. New student parent orientation. UW Center for Teaching and Learning. 2011-2013. 

Co-organizer (with Anjali Vats). UW Debate Union quarterly events. We hosted public debates on Washington State’s legalization of marijuana (partnered with Seattle’s civic organization, City Club) and Internet privacy policy. 2012-2013. 

Committee member. Social Sciences online degree implementation committee. We designed the curriculum for what became UW’s Integrated Social Sciences degree. 2012-2013. 

Planning committee. 9th Annual Teaching and Learning Symposium. 2011. 

Committee for revising the University of Washington’s RA/TA Conference on Teaching, Learning, and Research. 2011. 

Committee member. Teaching and learning consortium. This unit that coordinated teaching and learning activities on campus before the development of the Center for Teaching and Learning. 2008-2009. 

Facilitator. Lunchtime conversations on teaching. UW Teaching Academy. 2009.

Facilitator. Faculty Fellows Program. UW Teaching Academy. 2008.

Facilitator. TA Conference on Teaching and Learning (a university-wide TA teaching seminar). 2005-2011.

Participant. Collegium on Large Class Instruction. 2005. 

Moderator. Student Association Election Debates. Indiana University. 2002. 

Disciplinary service
Editorial Board. Communication Teacher. 2016-present.

Guest reviewer. Review of Communication. 2017.

Guest reviewer. Communication Teacher. 2016.

Guest reviewer. Review of Communication. 2013.

Guest reviewer. Oxford Bibliographies Online. 2010. 

Guest reviewer. Western Journal of Communication. 2008. 

Reviewer. Instruction and Development Division. National Communication Association. 2007. 

Reviewer. Communication and Instruction Interest Group. Western States Communication Association. 2005. 

Textbook proposal reviewer. Thompson-Wadsworth. 2007.

Local activity project coordinator. Western States Communication Association Conference. Seattle. WA. 2006. 

Public service
Washington State Debate Committee. 2020. The  committee as a whole was responsible for the state’s televised gubernatorial debate. I helped developed educational materials for 6-12 and college students. This involved recording video material with TVW and working with debate instructors to create an online teaching toolkit (assignments, lectures, videos) for college instructors hosted by City Club. 

Program reviewer for an online graduate course in science communication. American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. 2014.

Professional affiliations
National Communication Association; Rhetoric Society of America. 

Available upon request. 

CV: Text
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